First Dates

If you have been a reader of this blog for the last several years, you know I have gone on a LOT of first dates.  I hate them.  I have gotten good at them, but I hate them.  HATE THEM.

But, they seem to be a necessary evil … I mean, it seems unlikely that Prince Charming is going to ride up to my door, say, “Charity I love you, I must be with you for the rest of our lives,” and move the beagles and me into a house close to my current location.  (I don’t want a castle, I will take a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath with a 2 car garage, backyard and claw-foot soaking tub.  In the heights.  I really like where I live.)

So, tonight I go on yet ANOTHER first date.  I am already doubting it as he said he would find a great place for us to go, then today asked me what was in the area.  I gave some options and he picked a pizza place close to my house (not that he knows that).  I am a bit disenchanted that I essentially picked the place for our date — I have grown weary of planning my own dates.  SO WEARY.  ( #SFL At least Laverne will be able to get to me fast if it goes south.  Laverne is part of the Blind Date Committee which oversees all my dating activities.  You know, making sure there is a photo available and having the code words that tell them whether I need an “emergency” to come up or the cavalry needs to come to my location before I disappear.  You can’t be too careful …)

I am not entirely enthralled by this guy — one of those seemed nice enough when we started talking but now seems to be hitting on me before we have even met.  (Tell me about your shoes … those sound really sexy … are you going to wear them for me on Friday?  I love sexy women in sexy shoes.)  Granted, I did mention I have a love of beautiful shoes and especially high heels, but I don’t think that gives him carte blanche to attempt to sexualize every conversation.  Especially when I specifically said, “I try to put off the sex conversations until I know someone better … it tends to take over a conversation if you start talking sex/sexual innuendo too early.  Then you don’t really get to know each other and decide if you even want to meet.”  That might just be me protecting myself, but it still seems like maybe we should get to know each other at least a little before jumping headfirst into the innuendo pool.  But one has to get back on the dating horse and some point and, let’s face it, the best way is to just jump in the pool.

So …

CANNONBALL!!!!!!!!  (I wonder if there is a drink called the cannonball?  if so, perhaps I should order it tonight …)

2 thoughts on “First Dates

  1. Ruth P Wilson

    Stop looking, Charity! You are worthy of respect, honor, and pursuing. Do not settle for someone who doesn’t want to put some effort into planning the date. Not worth your time and energy. You don’t need an emergency ‘out’; just tell him it’s not going in a direction that you want to go and leave.


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